Green PLUS

We include our innovative solutions and signature services under what we called "GREENER PLUS". These solutions are developed for those who want to stand out in sustainability abd green buildings.

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Wellness Rooms

The demand of wellness rooms in the workplace is on the rise! Our specialized services for wellness rooms include developing. Designing, and executing different types of wellness rooms including relaxing, nap friendly, and gaming rooms.

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Healing Gardens

As a very specialized service, we design and execute healing gardens, hospitals that improve health outcomes and promote healing for patients. These gardens offer patients a connection to the natural environment in a positive way that reduce stress and speed up recovery rate of patients.

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Developed by GREENER, BMS+ platform is an ideal solution to achieve high performance buildings. With highly integrated systems that are AI enabled, proactive measures can be taken to keep buildings more sustainable, cost efficient, reliable, healthy, and safe.